professional magician, he has been a member of IBM (International Brotherhood of Magicians) since 2001.


His interest in Magic led him over the years to take part in many national and international courses, conferences and seminars, including in 2002, 2005, 2007, 2009 and in 2011 the Professional Magic Course organized and led by Tony Binarelli.

He won the 1er Prix in the Close Up competition and the Mister X Trophy at the 7eme Festival de la Magie in Cusset in France.

He won the 1er Prix in the Stage competition, at the national competition organized by Tony Binarelli in San Martino di Castrozza.

He won at the XXXIII World Magic Seminar of LAS VEGAS, the second prize in the international Close-Up competition and in the same year he won the Interpretation Award at the Italian Magic Masters of Magic Championship held at the Casino de la Vallée in Saint Vincent.

He enrolled for several years at the drama school of Anna Bolens where he started the studying of theatre (acting, diction, improvisation, miming) not only because he thought it could be interesting but also because he realized its usefulness for his attitude on the stage and to improve his ability in involving the audience.

From 2019 he moved to London with shows both in Italy and in the UK.

Alessio Rastrelli Mago